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From Darfuria

Ancient History of Darfuria

The ancient history of Darfuria is everything that happened in Darfuria before we started playing. The Darfurian Legend, on the main page, can be considered a part of this.

A long time ago, much of the forest in Darfuria was connected. The Qwarm and Taur Geldor were allegedly all one forest, for example. Due to wars between the various races and wars with invaders from other lands, such as the Nassar, much forest was lost. Some elves from Taur Geldor can remember those times.

More recently, the Nassar attempted an invasion. They set off from their homelands in the frozen far south and took over much of the continent. Eventually their forces were defeated in Darfuria and they were driven back to their homelands. The ranger Ragnar had a part to play in this.

Modern History of Darfuria

The modern history of Darfuria is made from the many adventures that we have had and the events that have occured in the time since we started playing.

Many events are lost to the mists of time and are nothing more than vague scraps of decades-old memory. There are plenty that have been recorded however, and perhaps with some cunning research more might be discovered and added.

There are also plenty of adventures that we have no records of any more. The list below may be long, but it is by no means exhaustive. In all probablity, the rest is lost.

The main source material for this page is our campaign history spreadsheet. As of 08.10.2024, there are 355 lines of entries, including a few blank ones to separate some things. Of those, the first 67 entries and about another 25 on top of that from the aforementioned campaign history spreadsheet, have been entered into this page. Clearly there is a great deal more to add to this section of the Darfuria website!


# Start Date Finish Date Event DM No. of Chrs Characters Players Notes
8401 1984 ? Palace of the Silver Princess (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palace_of_the_Silver_Princess) Cliff 9 Barstead, Sidewinder, Pujol, Reaper, Grollopus, Raniel the All-Told, Blurg, +2 (Richard's thief, Andreas's cleric, both died) George, Yvonne, Andreas, Richard, Simon The party would have wiped were it not for the bears that were befriended. They defeated the white apes that defeated everyone else! The magic users and thieves spent most of the adventure being dead, so just fighters and clerics completed it. Played over several sessions in Richard's bedsit at 39 Buller Road, Exeter.
8402 ? ? Trial by Fire (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_by_Fire_(Judges_Guild)) Cliff 6 Bolarb, Suliman, Semmerith, Emmerell, Ozzy, Sayla George, Richard, Yvonne Played at Exeter University. Richard rolled the character Semmerith from new and everyone else was amazed to witness him roll 18/00 for strength.
8402 ? ? The Rescue of Jherek George 6 Jherek, Castrol, Olaf Ragnarsson, Barf, maybe some more. Cliff, possibly Richard. Before George began playing, Jherek had been taken to hell by a demon or devil and Cliff wanted him back. He showed George how to DM the encounter and after a battle, Jherek was once more safely back among Cliff's characters. At that time Jherek was a 4th level fighter/magic user/cleric. This was played in Richard's bedsit in Buller Road.
8403 ? ? Tunnels 1 Random Dungeon Generation 10 Esinrah, Osswestry, Slattery, Lutch, Bolarb, Irth, Restel, Suliman, Umbrij, Sohrab George An all nighter at 31 Cowick Lane, Exeter.
8403 ? ? Rescue Omigron George 10 Omigron, Arion Tanarl, Castrol, Olaf Ragnarsson, Jherek, Barf, possibly some others. Richard, Cliff Another quick skirmish at Buller Road. Omigron had been captured by fire giants (King Snurre's fire giants?) sometime previously and Richard wanted her back. Arion and some of Cliff's characters decided to go after her and set her free. It is likely that a few different characters to the ones mentioned may have participated, but these are the usual suspects. Again, Cliff and Richard showed George how to run the encounter, and not knowing much about DMing he gave all the giants magical armor which the party sold for an absolute fortune. There were many, many fire giants, and there may have been a weakened lich. It soon became clear that the party were far too overpowered for the monsters, so everyone agreed that the rest of the fire giants were simply defeated. Omigron was so impressed by the slaughtersome rescue that she married Arion and took his surname. Together they set up the temple Terseus, far far to the south of Darfuria, in the snowy wastelands of the mountains around 200 miles south of Sternholm, near the territory of the fearsome Nassar. They also had a child, Semmerith 'The Strong' Tanarl, although somehow there are some major temporal anomalies at work here. Early days. This was perhaps an event that happened in the late 1230s? Who knows. It was around this time that Cliff decided to retire Barf from adventuring at around level seven as he felt Barf didn't have a good enough constitution to survive.
8404 ? ? The Realm of Darfuria Cliff 15 Barstead, Sidewinder, Irth, Pujol, Reaper, Strada, Modus, Dildo, Semmerith, Arion Tanarl, Omigron, Ragnar, Jerry Cornelius, Elric, Aragorn George, Yvonne, Richard A city adventure written by Cliff set mostly in Tibesti. Played at Richard's bedsit over several sessions. Ragnar was an NPC who helped out a lot. Jerry Cornelius, Aragorn and Elric were all rescued from Tibesti prison. Due to a time slip, several characters ended up with firearms. Very silly and rather fun.
8405 ? ? Tunnels 1.5 Random Dungeon Generation 8 Umbrij, Restel, Suliman, Lutch, Esinrah, Osswestry, Astrid, Bolarb George Another all nighter at 31 Cowick Lane, Exeter. It was discovered that this had taken place after subsequent 'Tunnels' mini-adventures had been numbered, so this one is 1.5.
8406 ? ? The Serpent's Venom (https://fabledlands.blogspot.com/2016/09/the-serpents-venom.html) Cliff 7 Raniel the All-Told, Barstead, Lutch, Grollopus, Wu Li, Semmerith, Melitta Seret George, Andreas, Richard A mini adventure from Dragon magazine, or White Dwarf perhaps. Played in one or perhaps two sessions at Richard's bedsit. George had been given custody of Raniel the All-Told, which turned out to be permanent, and Andreas only occasionally popped his head round the door to join in if necessary.
8406 ? ? The Fosweld Somnolence George 7 Ronnie, Dungorin, Lexicus, Comtrex, Brother Francis, Sabrina, Andrex, Leith Erikson Cliff The very first playtest of Fosweld at Cowick Lane. All of Cliff's characters were new level one characters. It took a few sessions but in the end the party prevailed, although Ronnie died and was never seen again.
8407 ? ? Tunnels 2 Random Dungeon Generation 8 Astrid, Tallon, Ferrius, Mr E S Man, JR, Morrisow, Sullivan, Salandel George This went rather badly wrong and the party was wiped by troglodytes. Astrid, Tallon, Ferrius and Salandel survived or ran away or were rescued a short time later. The others were lost.
8408 ? ? The Jeweller's Shop Cliff 6 Umbrij, Suliman, Restel, Esinrah, Lutch, Osswestry George Forced into desperate measures to raise their friends who were slaughtered by troglodytes, this adventure was conceived and first played one night at Richard's bedit. A fiendishly hard place to rob, created by Cliff. This small adventure became notorious and claimed many parties' lives. Esinrah, Lutch and Osswestry died and the other three went insane. Some time later, Suliman raised Esinrah, Lutch and Osswestry from the dead and converted them to his deity (Donblas the Justice Maker) and alignment (LG).
8406 ? ? Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord George 8? Dungorin, Lexicus, Comtrex, Brother Francis, Sabrina, Andrex, Leith Erikson, a thief? Jherek? Cliff The very first playtest of this at Cowick Lane. Cliff's characters were probably largely the same as for Fosweld, although there was probably another thief, or perhaps Jherek. The party may be wrong. It took a couple of sessions and afterwards George modified the dungeon somewhat.
8409 ? ? Jeweller's Shop 2 Cliff 11 Bolarb, Hallerith, Hinni, Iarvaric, Mundai, Nallow, Slattery, Poluki, Sohrab, Tarn, Wasa George An easier jeweller's shop to rob and four theives, rather than one. Expensive business, paying for cures and raise deads.
8410 ? ? Tunnels 3 Random Dungeon Generation 12 Tallon, Bolarb, Raniel the All-Told, Tarn, Mundai, Astrid, Iarvaric, Nallow, Poluki, Restel, Sohrab, Umbrij George No party wipes. Yay.
8410 ? ? The Thing George 11? 8? Ozzy, Pujol, Sayla, Reaper, Satira, Treena, Yanta, Magicman, Fighter Flo, Peahead, Grollopus Yvonne This was a largely improvised dungeon played at Yvonne's house. Simon had given George his old carboard floorplans and he used them (all) to create a bizarre and rambling dungeon. Yvonne and George had both just bought their first miniatures and some humbrol enamels and indulged in a spot of painting. There are no records of this adventure in existence other than memory so the characters taking part may be wrong. There may have been only eight.
8411 ? ? Troglodyte Bashing 1 Yvonne 10 Tallon, Bolarb, Ferrius, Hinni, Iarvaric, Restel, Slattery, Sohrab, Wasa, Umbrij George It was Yvonne's first attempt at DMing and as such she unexpectedly gave out a few highly overpowered magic items for such a low level party. Cliff was most disgruntled when he found out.
8412 ? ? The Fosweld Somnolence George, Cliff 8? Mentarq, Marion, Napoleon, Elmaril, another 4? Yvonne, Angie Following several modifications, this was another playtest. Cliff was an assistant DM and George was fairly sure he had the hang of things by now. This was played at Yvonne's home in Exmouth over two or three sessions.
8412 ? ? Troglodyte Bashing 2 Cliff 14 Poluki, Bolarb, Sleeth, Iarvaric, Tallon, Suliman, Wasa, Slattery, Astrid, Ferrius, Hallerith, Restel, Sohrab, Umbrij George A more straightforward outbreak of troglodyte bashing this time. No good loot.
8413 ? ? Monster Manual 'A' Yvonne 6 Tallon, Hallerith, Restel, Suliman, Iarvaric, Bolarb George A simple scenario created by Yvonne. At least one of every creature from the Monster Manual had to be defeated. This scenario was supposed to be part 1 of 26, the 'A' section. No other parts were subsequently created.
8413 ? ? Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord George 8? Mentarq, Marion, Napoleon, Elmaril, another 4? Caspian and Kronosia? Yvonne, Angie This was a second playtest of the follow-up adventure to The Fosweld Somnolence. A number of modifications had been made to the first version. George and Yvonne argued a lot and Angie tried to be the peacemaker. Eventually the adventure was finished after perhaps two or three sessions in Exmouth. The party was probably largely the same as the one that Yvonne and Angie had had for Fosweld previously.
8414 ? ? Merchant Ship Cliff 6 Iarvaric, Suliman, Tallon, Restel, Bolarb and possibly one other, perhaps Umbrij. George A simple scenario created by Cliff in which a few of George's characters raided a ship. Iarvaric was the tank who flew onto the deck, taking the attention of the sailors and causing maximum devastation. Bolarb probably used his Platemail of Etherealness to rescue drowning party members. Tallon probably died. He died a lot.
8415 ? ? Castle Amber ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_Amber_(module) ) Andreas 7 Iarvaric, Irth, Jherek, Caspian, Kronosia, Sayla, Ozzy George, Cliff, Angie, Yvonne This was played at Andreas's room at 39 Buller Road in the late spring or early summer of 1984. It might have been the last adventure that Angie played. She missed a few sessions of the game and the rest of the group played her characters in her absence. This may have been when Kronosia was killed and reincarnated as a kobold, and Caspian had his deity changed (in Angie's absence) to Nanna-Sin.
8416 ? ? The Haunted Vault Cliff 6 Tarn, Iama, Christ, Anvil, Annabel, Splodge George, Adrian, Sean, Pete A spontaneous adventure played at Flat D a few days before Cliff, Yvonne and George moved in. Sean, Adrian and Pete were living there and about to move out. The whole episode was completed in a single evening's session. There was a large dark room of many pillars, and somehow everyone survived. Pete wandered around the flat naked, saying he couldn't find his underpants, and trying to fix things with Blu Tack. Adrian was mad as a hatter and was sectioned soon after. Sean, who was a fine guitarist and a thoughtful fellow, had another go at D&D later.
8417 ? ? Sidewinder's Speed Scrolls Cliff ? Sidewinder, Barstead, Restel, probably three or four others George Wanting to make some of their weapons "...of Speed", a few adventurers went in search of arcane ingredients to make some scrolls to merge into the weapons. Sidewinder was the scribe and enchanter-in-chief. It was a success! Probably the first adventure played at Flat D.
8418 ? ? The Temple of Kaa'Das Andreas? 8? Suliman, Sidewinder, Restel, Tallon, Iarvaric, Irth, Ozzy, Pujol, possibly 1 or 2 more? George, Yvonne An adventure played in the early days of Flat D. No clear memories and no evidence of what happened. Mysterious!
8419 ? ? Demon Bashing Cliff 5? Barstead, Umbrij, Sidewinder, Bolarb, Tallon, perhaps more. George Another adventure played in the early days of Flat D. It is likely that a few people would have died, although Bolarb probably didn't. This may have been to make more scrolls for further item enchantments.
8420 ? ? The Inkwell Andreas 6? Suliman, Iarvaric, Irth, Restel, Sidewinder, Tallon. Possibly more. George In search of more ingredients for magical ink, the party set off to meet a sect of clerics living in some caves in the mountains. Suliman, being the cleric who instigated the mission, attempted to talk with the clerics. After he didn't come back, the rest of the party went to investigate. Suliman lay dead with a broken neck! That was a surprise! The rest of the party finished the mission successfully. Everyone could have raised their WIS by smoking some special hashish they found in a room with a large tuning fork that needed to be sounded, but they didn't realise. Never mind!
8421 ? ? The House on Hangman's Hill (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_on_Hangman%27s_Hill) Cliff 9? Then, many. Gustavus, Sihsha, Shittit D'Phan, Yanta, Mentarq, Grollopus, Abnara, Nallow, Slattery. Then: Bolarb, Raniel the All-Told, Jangre. Then: Suliman, Krisain, Hinni, Fighter Flo, Tarn, Poluki, Napoleon, Reaper, Magicman, Astrid, Sleeth, Satira, Mundai, Hallerith, Ferrius. Andreas, Yvonne, George An extraordinary adventure! Another one where Cliff's ruthless DMing wiped the party. There were probably nine original party members who were overwhelmed by a neverending tide of kobolds. Grollopus had become one of Yvonne's characters by now. It would seem Bolarb, Raniel and Jangre (Andreas's 7th level illusionist) were the first rescuers on the scene. Then many other characters that belonged to Yvonne and George got together to try to effect a rescue, along with Krisain, who was one of Andreas's characters and perhapos a 14th level magic user. Ultimately everyone was rescued and the dungeon remained unfinished. Many different character connections were made and it was the beginning of some new character friendships and emnities.
8422 ? ? The Cyclops Caves Andreas 5 Olaf Ragnarsson, Castrol, Iarvaric, Suliman, Irth. Cliff, George "Alignment: not nice" Andreas wrote of the cyclops. Probably an attempt to gain more materials for enchanting items. Irth came along after the fighting was done and some treasure needed to be identified, such as the xenades. Castrol kicked Suliman in the shins when trying something out, which seemed unfriendly and disrespectful, but there we have it. They never really liked each other much.
8423 ? ? Spiderbite (from White Dwarf #55) Yvonne 8 Abnara, Gimley, Huru, Pious Kwaird, Rustum, Sarnin, Thlaili, Wasa. George This was a short and rather fun adventure played one afternoon at Flat D.
8424 ? ? Nallow's Bandits Cliff 7 Nallow, Astrid, Barstead, Bolarb, Raniel the All-Told, Tarn, Umbrij. George Nallow needed a base for his druidic and thieving activities. He fancied himself as a highwayman. A stronghold near Taur Geldor was perfect! A group of bandits already inhabited the place, so Nallow and some friends cleared them out, making the road from Derahelb to Serrador much safer.
8425 ? ? The Sunfire's Heart (from White Dwarf #56) Yvonne 7? Abnara, Ferrius, Gimley, Pious Kwaird, Poluki, Slattery, Thlaili. George This was another short and rather fun adventure played over one or two afternoons at Flat D.
* * * Richard left the campaign here. He gave away all of his characters except Grillish and Roolish the Ridiculous, his Bat People, and Gonad, a 10' tall gnome. * 19? Arion Tanarl, Blurg, Condo, Corbrey, Daglin, Dildo, Emmerell, Galzai of Larsha, Gertrude, Lu-Tsin Jart, Melitta Seret, Modus, Omigron, Semmerith, Strada, Tesla, Torqus, Wu Li, Zargfrebe. Cliff, George Cliff and George rolled d20s to see who would become the custodian of which character. George got more of them. Arion (to George) and Omigron (to Cliff) were separated, and the mother winning custody of their child (Semmerith, to Cliff).
* * * Graham joined the campaign. * 0 n/a Graham We first met Graham at a D&D club run by the owner of the local games shop, The Games Cupboard. It was held weekly for a couple of hours, upstairs at Bart's Tavern. The adventure was run by Cliff and there were a number of other players who we never saw again. Jack the Frag joined the group and had a character called Praggler the Wizanoid, was turned out to be the star of the show. We took an instant liking to Graham and he then became a regular at Flat D.
8426 ? ? Dragonfall Graham 9 Arion Tanarl, Iarvaric, Suliman, Tallon, Sidewinder, Irth, Restel, Nallow, Umbrij. George George wanted to do a quick land clearance so that Suliman could build his temple of Donblas the Justice Maker. He showed Graham how to do it. The party were hidden under a cloak of invisibility for most of the clearance. When the mini adventure was almost done, Cliff arrived home from work and had a word in Graham's ear. Suddenly the party were strafed with fire from an invisible ancient red dragon! It could see through the party's invisibility due to its hit dice and intelligence (something the party were unable to do, even though the party had members with higher intelligence and more hit dice than the dragons). Some of the party were toasted at once. The next round, a second invisible dragon strafed the party with its fire. Many who narrowly survived the first round didn't survive the second. In the third round, a third invisible dragon strafed the party with fire. Only Suliman, Arion aand Iarvaric survived the onslaught and finished off the dragons between them. A simple afternoon's land clearance had turned out to be such a dramatic event that Suliman named his temple Dragonfall. Cliff said that the party were lucky that all three dragons didn't attack at the same time! Graham said that anyone on -50 or fewer hit points would need a resurrection rather than a raise dead, which seemed reasonable, and anyone on fewer than -100 hit points would be unable to be resurrected. George protested due to it being Graham's first ever attempt at DMing, and in the end everyone was resurrected... eventually.
8426 ? ? The Curse of Xanathon (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curse_of_Xanathon) George 9 Yatsu, Kyro, Kase, Sabrina, Leith Erikson, Angbor, Marion, Peahead, Grollopus. Graham, Cliff, Yvonne This is the classic TSR module X3 and was played at Flat D over two or three fun sessions, including at least one all-nighter. George's Dad came for an unexpected visit just as everyone was packing up and everyone was highly exhausted! The module was run as set out, except a couple of the NPCs had improved gear as they were a bit underpowered compared to the party that they faced. Rhoona, where the adventure takes places, was placed on our campaign map in the Vestland, around 1000 miles south west of Tibesti, although perhaps that was an error and it would have been better as a coastal town. More research needed!
8427 ? 02.01.1257 Trollcaster's Lair Simon 9 Mundai, Strada, Raniel the All-Told, Angbor, Lexicus, Sabrina, Marion, Grollopus, Yanta. George, Cliff, Yvonne This was an extraordinary and rather baffling adventure set in the world of Eron, Simon's old campaign world, to which the party had somehow travelled. There were a few encounters with an assortment of weird people and the party were accompanied by an NPC guide. Simon was not keen on the way that the party used magic to solve things and became increasingly more frustrated with the approx. 4th/5th level party's use of magic. A naga dispelled magic, all of it, during an encounter, and afterwards the party found their guide had fallen into a pit to his death. It was a sign. Everyone gave up on the idea at that point. The adventure was abandoned and everyone returned home, somehow.
8428 ? ? The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sinister_Secret_of_Saltmarsh) Yvonne 10 Wasa, Salandel, Phosygen, Animal, Ralshez, Moola, Nerasia, Perry, Orlandon, Bronbus. George, Graham, Cliff, Phil, Di, Jack the Frag Yvonne ran this dungeon for several players who never played much more. Phil's (Moola), Di's (Nerasia and Perry) and Jack's (Orlandon and Bronbus) characters all became George's in the end. The adventure was completed, although not entirely, and was largely fairly successful, with various unanswered questions remaining. This was almost certainly the last adventure that took place in 1984.


# Start Date Finish Date Event DM No. of Chrs Characters Players Notes
8501 ? 02.01.1257 The Ruined Keep Cliff 8 Higlicula, Myrth of the Stray, Spazzmotz the Bold, Ranak-Po, Streenyara, Storpick, Fedax Si-Hulmin, Huru. Ken, Yvonne, George This must have been the first adventure of 1985 as Ken is a player, and he moved to Exeter on 1st January 1985. He tried to join in with us but it never really worked out. George became the eventual custodian of his three characters. A peculiar thing that happened in this adventure was that the deity whose temple the party were meant to ransack happened to be also Fedax's deity, so he was not too happy about it. This may have been an adventure that Cliff or Richard created (but probably isn't), or perhaps it is a Treasure Map or an adventure from a magazine such as Dragon or White Dwarf. More research needed.
8502 ? 22.11.1256? Death Knight #2 Cliff 9 Sidewinder, Barstead, Bolarb, Iarvaric, Irth, Tallon, Arion Tanarl, Umbrij, Suliman. George Cliff decided to challenge some of George's characters wiht a death knight from the Fiend Folio. Apparently there were only 12 of them, and one had already been defeated. Although the party prevailed, Sidewinder died and failed his resurrection roll, becoming an ex-player character. RIP Sidewinder.
8503 31.12.1256 03.01.1257 Restel's Gauntlets Cliff 7? Restel, Barstead, Nallow, Melitta Seret, Tallon, Tarn, possibly one more, a cleric? George Restel had recently become a four-armed human in his quest towards becomng a bard. He needed some special dexterity enhancing gauntlets to be able to use them all properly and set off with some friends to find the ingredients he needed.
8504 19.01.1257 25.01.1257 Tunnels 4 Random Dungeon Generation 8 Hinni, Slattery, Abnara, Pious Kwaird, Hallerith, Melitta Seret, Wu Li, Rustum. George Probably relatively successful with not much reward, not much info.
8505 25.01.1257 ? Tunnels 5 Random Dungeon Generation 8 Thlaili, Poluki, Fedax Si-Hulmin, Sleeth, Huru, Modus, Ferrius, Daglin. George Probably relatively successful with not much reward, not much info.
8506 ? 16.12.1256? The Quest for the Holy Grail Cliff 8 Suliman, Iarvaric, Irth, Arion Tanarl; Pujol, Ozzy, Reaper, Treena?. George, Yvonne Loosely based on the Monty Python film, this was something Cliff created at Flat D. Suliman needed something for his magical holy symbol, and there was probably something here that would have been useful, as well as the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. The characters which Yvonne took are guessed - perhaps Sayla was present instead of Reaper? This may well have been the occasion when Treena's existence ended, by Feather Falling into a Sphere of Annihilation.
8507 11.01.1257 20.01.1257 The Temple of Terror Graham 9 Sohrab, Gimley, Bolarb, Andrex, Dildo, Lexicus, Lyncyren, Napoleon, Bonzo. George, Cliff, Yvonne This was almost certainly something that Graham created for the three players. It may have been fairly short in terms of play sessions. Not much info.
8508 ? ? Tunnels 6 Random Dungeon Generation 9 Gertrude, Blurg, Karus, Sarnin, Nyren Teldork, Corbrey, Tarn, Lu-Tsin Jart, Bo Vezzo George Probably relatively successful with not much reward, not much info. Karus may have been created to bolster the party's healing a bit.
8509 06.05.1257 14.05.1257 Hell's Portal (https://www.reddit.com/r/MrRipper/comments/137gzve/hells_portal_adnd_minimodule/) Cliff? 8 Karus, Slattery, Lutch, Osswestry, Esinrah, Wu Li, Abnara, Wasa. George A mini module from White Dwarf #27 (https://rpggeek.com/rpgissue/51719/white-dwarf-issue-27-oct-1981). Not much memory about this, other than we still have it and played it again with other parties subsequently. This version may have been DM'd by Yvonne, or Graham. Cliff is the best guess as he had subscription to White Dwarf. The Darfurian date and the presence of Lutch, Osswestry and Esinrah suggests this took place after Suliman had researched his Convert spell. That particular trio had all fallen foul of The Jeweller's Shop (see entry 8408 above). Suliman resurrected his three hapless companions from that particularly disastrous escapade and converted them to his deity (Donblas the Justice Maker) and alignment (LG). This may have been played after Cliff, Yvonne and George had moved out of Flat D.
8510 21.04.1257 21.04.1257 The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Against_the_Giants) Cliff 10 Tallon, Iarvaric, Nallow, Irth, Bolarb, Sayla, Yanta, Magicman, Yatsu, Kase. George, Yvonne, Graham The classic first part of The Giant Modules. The party were fairly overpowered for this and quickly raced through the whole dungeon. Sayla managed to negotiate a peace with all of the captured orcs that were trying to escape and they left unharmed. Sayla also added to her collection of foreskins of defeated victims for her grisly cloak. This was almost certainly played after Flat D days.
8511 24.04.1257 29.04.1257 The Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Against_the_Giants) Cliff 11 Tallon, Iarvaric, Nallow, Irth, Bolarb, Sayla, Yanta, Magicman, Yatsu, Kase, L'Fete. George, Yvonne, Graham L'Fete may have been an NPC, or perhaps somebody that a guest player played. This part of the adventure didn't go so well. As Cliff had bolstered the giants' defences somewhat, as indeed the text of the module recommends if the giants have time to do so, the party were unable to penetrate the second level. In the end, they gave up and ran away. However, this would have made them outlaws if they didn't plan to return, as the text of the module says that anyone failing to complete the mission would be executed! Seems rather harsh. So after a time, further assaults on the dreaded Frost Giants would be attempted.
8512 08.05.1257 08.05.1257 The Battle with Ognoz Blinstroff Cliff 2 Tallon, Ognoz Blinstroff. George Tallon needed to defeat Ognoz to become a level 9 monk. Right at the start of the dual, Ognoz Blinstroff threw some dust over Tallon which negated all of the effects of Dsal-Dsai's books that he had studied. Tallon lost the dual and had to start again at the beginning of level 8. Tallon subsequently always held a grudge against Ognoz Blinstroff as he believed his opponent cheated.
8513 26.02.1257 09.03.1257 The Dragon's Pleasure Yvonne 14 Barstead, Ferrius, Hinni, Mundai, Umbrij, Melitta Seret, Raniel the All-Told; then Modus, Sarnin, Strada, Arion Tanarl, Bo Vezzo; then Ozzy, Pujol. George This was a rather fun adventure that Yvonne created at Flat D. After encountering various odd beings, there was a dragon to deal with. The party decided they needed more firepower and fetched some help. What with Sidewinder failing his resurrection roll a few adventures previously, there was no magic user in the party of high enough level. This help went on to include a couple of Yvonne's own player characters. "Come on Pujy, come with us!" enthused Ozzy after the party realised they needed even more power. The Dragon's Pleasure still exists as an anotated map and made a subsequent appearance, as shall be seen later.


# Start Date Finish Date Event DM No. of Chrs Characters Players Notes
8601 18.07.1257 20.07.1259 Beyond the Crystal Cave (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beyond_the_Crystal_Cave) Cliff 9 Poluki, Nyren Teldork, Tarn, Restel, Pious Kwaird, Daglin, Astrid, Fedax Si-Hulmin, Modus. George This adventure took a couple of years to complete in terms of game time. It rather through a spanner in the works of our - at that time - relatively new diary system for determining where in time everybody was. From memory, nothing terribly bad happened to anyone. All in all, rather a strange adventure, and if one uses a time system to keep track of events, this one may be best avoided.
8602 03.05.1257 04.05.1257 Barstead's Land Clearance Graham? 8 Barstead, Ferrius, Iarvaric, Mundai, Raniel the All-Told, Strada, Tallon, Umbrij. George Barstead was constructing a castle and needed to clear the area around it. It was probably a success and didn't take too long and was probably played at 62 Victoria Street.
8603 04.04.1257 07.04.1257 The Ghost Tower of Inverness (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ghost_Tower_of_Inverness) Cliff? 8 Blurg, Gimley, Hallerith, Huru, Rustum, Sarnin, Sohrab, Bo Vezzo. George No clear memories, more research needed.
8604 29.07.1257? 30.07.1257? The Tomb of Horrors (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomb_of_Horrors) Cliff 9 Yatsu, Felaine, Norton, Kragg, Kranak, Arion Tanarl, Hinni, Restel, Melitta Seret. Graham, George This was a rather fun and scary adventure, made more scary by Cliff's DMing, which was always quite ruthless and a good challenge. The Tomb of Horrors has a reputation that was certainly deserved. The adventure was played at 13 Hillside Avenue. Kragg performed some splendid thieving heroics during the first half of the adventure, and Hinni performed some during the second half. Arion was squashed by a weird elephant on wheels and just about everyone died at least once during the adventure. In the end the party prevailed and the last boss didn't prove to be too troublesome because the party were fairly well prepared for what lay in store.
8605 ?.?.1259 ?.?.1259 Bugbear Beating Graham 6 Astrid, Daglin, Modus, Blurg, Gimley, Hallerith. George An all-nighter at 62 Victoria Street complete with Graham's special toast and not enough tobacco. Was it a land clearance for somebody, or did somebody simply have some kind of vendetta against bugbears they needed to sate? This may have further compounded the temporal confufulations of Beyond the Crystal Cave, as Astrid, Modus and Daglin took part on both, meaning that a couple of years must have passed for Gimley, Blurg and Hallerith too.
8606 The Clearing of Castle Caldwell (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_Caldwell_and_Beyond) Cliff 8 Renka, Phosygen, Sarine of Tugalia, Harvarr, Salandel, Stagl Abadag, Slellal Carlellon, Hirus Darblake. Graham, George Was this at Hillside Avenue or Victoria Street? Whichever it was, the outcome was successful. The party didn't attempt any further parts of the adventure though.
8607 05.06.1257 Tunnels 7 Random Dungeon Generation 8 Slellal Carlellon, Fingers, Stagl Abadag, Hirus Darblake, Blai Bonesnapper, Druskin, Nugmil, Slurb. George It may have been the case that the four characters who completed The Clearing of Castle Caldwell were all close to gaining levels, so embarked upon a short quest to see if they could manage it. Nobody died and there was probably not much treasure or XP, and exactly what happened remains largely mysterious.
8608 30.07.1257 01.08.1257 Tunnels 8 Random Dungeon Generation 8 Druskin, Galzai of Larsha, Huru, Nugmil, Salandel, Slurb, Condo, Felquis Slywils. George Nobody died and there was probably not much treasure or XP, and exactly what happened remains largely mysterious.
8609 02.09.1257 11.09.1257 When A Star Falls (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/When_a_Star_Falls) Graham 6 Nugmil, Felquis Slywils, Slellal Carlellon, Druskin, Condo, Blai Bonesnapper. George This was an official module that Graham had had for a while and in the end it was played over two or three sessions at 62 Victoria Street. It was rather confusing but nothing very bad happened and everyone succeeded in finishing the adventure with their lives intact.


# Start Date Finish Date Event DM No. of Chrs Characters Players Notes
8701 03.09.1257 06.09.1257 The Temple of Set Graham 7 Tesla, Torqus, Sleeth, Zargfrebe, Huru, Galzai of Larsha, Salandel. George This may have been a treasure map from a Deck of Many Things. Graham made a rather wonderful message using the Egyptian heiroglyphs in the DDG. There then followed a bizarre quest, which ended successfully.
8702 28.06.1257 11.07.1257 The Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl (Revisited) Cliff 11 Strada, Barstead, Ferrius, Mundai, Raniel the All-Told, Tallon, Iarvaric, Umbrij, Nallow, Irth, Bolarb. George This adventure took a few years to complete! Eventually it was finished in 1992. The giants had built a bomb factory when the party returned to complete their task. The bombs were like typical throwing rocks for giants, except they could explode for an additional 8d6 alchemical damage in a 10' radius and required a save vs. petrification for half damage for any caught by the flying shrapnel. Strada was the first character on the scene and he did some scouting and defeated a few giants in ones and twos. Snow covered his tracks after he prayed. After a couple of days, Barstead and Ferrius arrived. They defeated a few more of the giants and did a bit more scouting. Strada found where the bombs were being made and stored. After another couple of days, Mundai, Iarvaric, Raniel and Tallon all arrived. Strada flew off again and came to sort kind of grief. One of the others wished for him to return, but the way they worded the Wish ("as he was the last time we saw him") he returned to life as a hawk, instead of a human! He is still a hawk, able to Polymorph into human form. The party had another foray inside the dungeon to grab some of the rocks and put them in a Bag of Holding, which was partly successful. As Barstead was running out of the place being pursued by giants, he Feather Falled off the edge of the cliff and landed directly on one of the white puddings at the bottom of the rift. Another wish was required to bring Barstead back. Umbrij and Nallow were the next to arrive and then Irth and Bolarb joined the others. The party was complete. Meanwhile, Strada and Tallon took a flight over the dungeon and dropped some of the exploding rocks they had gathered in a few select spots to cause maximum devastation. It worked brilliantly! A large amount of the top level of the dungeon was completely obliterated. Eventually, after the steam and smoke had cleared, they decided to mount a full attack. A few died along the way. They set off many piles of bombs, eventually defeating the rest of the giants and finally finishing the dungeon. Umbrij sadly perished and failed his resurrection roll. RIP Umbrij.
8703 ? ? Kronosia's Warehouse Graham? 2 Kronosia, Caspian. George Kronosia wanted to set up a thieves' guild and did so in Rhoona by defeating the guild that was already there.


# Start Date Finish Date Event DM No. of Chrs Characters Players Notes
8801 03.09.1257 06.09.1257 Seiga's Riddance Graham 7 Lutch, Bo Vezzo, Tesla, Sarnin, Abnara, Gertrude, Rustum. George Clearing the land around Seiga of some pesky monsters. Quite a quick adventure.
8802 19.06.1257 23.06.1257 The Tale of Lord Death Graham 6 Osswestry, Wasa, Karus, Slattery, Sohrab, Wu Li. George This was another of Graham's rather wonderful heiroglyph creations. "I am darkness, death and decay..." began the message. A rather short and fun adventure.
8803 08.11.1257 23.11.1257 Sarnin's Treasure Map: The Search for Elbrina Graham 11 Tesla, Sarnin, Abnara, Gertrude, Rustum, Lutch, Bo Vezzo, Hirus Darblake, Slurb, Club, White Star. George This was a tremendously fun adventure that Graham created spontaneously as it went along. It consisted of several parts, the last of which was when a building caught fire during a boss fight and it was a scramble to get all the treasure out in time. Somebody fell down a deep pit at one point and Sarnin immediately jumped down to rescue them without a thought for her own wellbeing, taking a lot of damage herself and successfully saving the person who fell. Tesla was often the leader of the group. It was played at 32 Howell Road in the attic room. Club and White Star were NPCs. White Star was an assassin and Club was a big fighter who couldn't speak. They came along and helped throughout the adventure.
8804 Hallerith's Land Clearance Graham 6 Hallerith, Daglin, Modus, Fedax Si-Hulmin, Gimley, Poluki. George Hallerith needed to clear the land around the site where he planned to set up his temple and laboratory at Southcliff Castle. It was a fairly brief and successful mission.
8805 15.01.1257 19.01.1257 The Great Fosweld Rescue 14 Bakra Son of Baric of Sarath of The Qwarm, Balron-Ti of Tugalia, Bronbus, Higlicula, Moola, Myrth of the Stray, Nerasia, Orlandon, Perry, Praggler the Wizanoid, Spazzmotz the Bold, Spijwang, Radnor, Placebo. George This was a playtest of the newly updated dungeon The Fosweld Somnolence. Several characters that had previously belonged to Sean (Spijwang, Radnor and Placebo) and Jack the Frag (Bronbus, Orlandon and Praggler) were broken out of Fosweld from where they had been abandoned after the last session of the game had taken place several years previously. The characters who did the breaking out were characters that George had also inherited, from Richard (Bakra and Balron), Ken (Higlicula, Myrth and Spazzmotz), Phil (Moola) and Di (Nerasia and Perry).
8806 Duneham's Island Graham 4 Arion Tanarl, Restel, Hinni, Melitta Seret. George Duneham had built himself a stronghold on an island to the southwest of Darfuria and fortified it with various magical and mechanical defenses. He invited the party to come and try to break in, to see if it was secure, promising to restore anybody who happened to suffer a severe mishap. Although nobody did, the fortess proved to be impenetrable. The four battle hardened adventurers assured Duneham his new home was safe and everybody went home, leaving Duneham to his spell research.


# Start Date Finish Date Event DM No. of Chrs Characters Players Notes
8901 The Liberators Graham 6 Astrid, Blurg, Pious Kwaird, Thlaili, Tarn, Nyren Teldork. George This was probably a land clearance to remove some pesky monsters from a town, which may have been Ikkur. No clear memories.


# Start Date Finish Date Event DM No. of Chrs Characters Players Notes
9001 Assault on Petticoat Bay Graham? 8? Fedax Si-Hulmin, Poluki, Pellub Badoop + several others. George, Cliff, Martyn, Aaron, Jim, Eddie?, possibly some other or different people. Some kind of ship-related adventure played in London. Any of Martyn, Jim, Aaron and Cliff could have been the DM instead of Graham, in which case, Graham would have been a player.
9002 06.08.1257 10.08.1257 The Mountain Pass Aaron 5 Corbrey, Stagl Abadag, Fingers, Esinrah, Lu-Tsin Jart. George This was a small dungeon in a valley, played in London. Corbrey had a very long battle with an enemy and finally defeated, while the rest of the party ran around and defeated many enemies each. Corbrey felt a bit nurgulated by this and the others made fun of him.


# Start Date Finish Date Event DM No. of Chrs Characters Players Notes
9201 13.05.1257 13.05.1257 The Dual with Fengal the Archdruid Cliff 2 Fengal, Irth. George Irth had to fight the current archdruid to claim his new level. Irth won and became the Archdruid.
9202 13.05.1257 13.05.1257 The Dual with Lia Po Cliff 2 Lia Po, Tallon. George Tallon had enough XP to go up two levels. First he had to dual Lia Po at Kol-Ibur. Tallon lost and failed to become 10th level monk.
9203 14.05.1257 14.05.1257 The Dual with Li Spon Cliff 2 Li Spon, Tallon. George It was the next day and Tallon still had enough XP to go up a level, but now he had to dual Li Spon. Tallon won and became a 9th level monk.
9204 The Labyrinth of Fiendish Devices Cliff 7 Hallerith, Gimley, Modus, Daglin, Fedax Si-Hulmin, Poluki, Tallon. George Various psionic characters wanted to try to find some burnt out ioun stones to boost their psionic ability. Cliff had created a dungeon full of deadly traps and the party decided to have a go. At one point, Fedax sacrificed Poluki to his deity to try to find a way out of the place whilst everybody slept. By the time that the party met the only monsters in the dungoen, a pair of dragon turtles, only three were still alive. A couple of rooms later, Hallerith, who was the only one left alive by this time, found the exit and escaped with the bodies of the others in his portable hole.
9205 28.08.1257 25.09.1257 Frost Giant Strength Cliff 9 Iarvaric, Irth, Mundai, Nallow, Strada, Raniel the All-Told, Barstead, Ferrius, Bolarb. George Having completed the Frost Giant part of Against the Giants, the party decided to use some of the ingredients they had found and researched how to make a Girdle of Frost Giant Strength. They travelled around Darfuria and beyond, gathering everything they needed. The wizards, Strada and Bolarb, did the creating and everybody in the party received one.


# Start Date Finish Date Event DM No. of Chrs Characters Players Notes
9401 Hijinks in Khosalis Cliff 9 Jaffa, Dudley, Blinthlese + 3 each of Graham's and Fay's. George, Graham, Fay. This was a most amusing and highly riotous town adventure set in Khosalis, involving characters being tied to trees for solacious purposes, and a daring escape from some sewers where Jaffa Commanded a nearby guard to "Defecate!", so he had to leave the scene to change his trousers, allowing the party to make good their escape unseen.


# Start Date Finish Date Event DM No. of Chrs Characters Players Notes
9501 The Khosalis Campaign Cliff, Martin 9 Tremyn, Tym, Slump, Slyzi, Tenra, Grumtach, Justarius, Shenzis, Farzon, Leanna, Flemwad, Ladara, a few others. Gilb, George, Graham, Martin, Cliff, Pete, a couple of friends of Pete, a friend of Cliff from his work who played an illusionist and after a few sessions became seriously ill and left the game, and there were some other occasional people. This was a long and rather fun campaign that took in all manner of adventures and craziness. It started in 1995 and for the first year or so was played at George's flat in Copplestone Drive. When George moved to Prague for work, the game carried on with the addition of Pete and others. Once George's contract was up, he moved back in the summer of 1997 and the game continued at Wesley Way. Martin had taken over the DMing and the story became skewed in a Dragonlance direction. The beginning and the end of the whole campaign were particularly memorable. The story began around the time of the famous horse race in Khosalis, which Tenra won, much to the disgruntlement of the local thieves' guild. There was a special tension between Tenra and Slyzi due to their backgrounds and where they had come from. Slump caused a lot of chaos with his creative use of the Command spell and won the thieving contest, which Leanna never forgave him for. The party left Khosalis and travelled with a 0-level sage called Zebenil, who they had to protect, and as luck would have it, they did. There was an extraordinary episode involving a coveted magic item, buckets of water thrown into caravans, wishes, and green skin. Tremyn and Tym were both awesome throughout, Tremyn being a brilliant marksman with a longbow and of NE alignment, which often caused a twist or two in the tale, especially when he eventually defected to the enemy's camp and joined them in attacking the party. There was time travel, where Slump left something hidden in a cathedral and when everyone returned to their own time he fulfilled a prophecy he had started by showing the present-day clergy a holy artifact buried in the stone walls of the cathedral, which of course he had placed there himself a century or two earlier. The whole campaign ended in around 1999 with the horse race in Khosalis once again, which Tym won as he managed to cheat better than everyone else.


# Start Date Finish Date Event DM No. of Chrs Characters Players Notes
9901 Tormenting the Giants Cliff 8? Astrid, Slump, Ladara, + some others. George, Gilb, Graham, Pete, perhaps one or two more. Once the Khosalis campaign had ended, a few people played a rather hilarious session where a band of giants were tormented with a series of bizarre events and accidents caused by the party's magic and sense of mischief. It only lasted one day and Slump managed to cast all of his spells.


# Start Date Finish Date Event DM No. of Chrs Characters Players Notes
0101 The Castle of Daily Delights Dan 6 Praggler the Wizanoid, Spijwang, Bronbus, Higlicula, Orlandon, Moola. George This was the first dungeon that Dan created and was something of a treasure feast! Most notably so, the Potion of Joy and Glory.
0102 Return from the Daily Delights Dan 6 Praggler the Wizanoid, Spijwang, Bronbus, Higlicula, Orlandon, Moola. George The journey back home.
0103 21.11.1257 21.11.1257 The Battle with Vanboss the Druid Dan 2 Nallow, Vanboss the Druid. George Nallow had acquired enough XP to gain a level and needed to challenge the current Druid, Vanboss, to a dual. Nallow won.
0104 The Crafty Wizard's Tomb Dan 8 Rustum, Salandel, Sohrab, Osswestry, Lutch, Abnara, Esinrah, Wu Li. George A fairly quick delve and skirmish for some old characters. This adventure was more balanced the the Castle of Daily Delights and a tremendous success.
0105 The Battle with Treshgref Hethek Dan 2 Salandel, Treshgref Hethek. George Salandel had acquired enough XP to gain a level and needed to challenge the current Druid, Treshgref Hethek, to a dual. Salandel won.
0106 The Battle with Fassath Dan 2 Wu Li, Fassath. George Wu Li had acquired enough XP to gain a monk level and needed to challenge the current incumbent, Fassath, to a dual. Wu Li won.
0107 The Wizard and the Lemure 5 Galzai of Larsha, Felquis Slywils, Slellal Carlellon, Blai Bonesnapper, Condo. George A playtest of a low-level dungeon to see how it would run in case Dan might fancy it. Everything seemed to work.
0108 The Mystical House of Nimbus the Mage Dan 8 Jaffa, Dudley, Blinthlese, Belaiza, Maluko, Najabana, Oshikoya, Zilwan. George Dan had created a first level adventure which a few new characters and three who had had an adventure in Khosalis some years before took part in. There was some eavesdropping and the wizard in question had steak for breakfast. Rather fun.


# Start Date Finish Date Event DM No. of Chrs Characters Players Notes
0401 25.12.1257 25.12.1257 The Enterprise of Divine Perplexity Part 1 Dan 7 Corbrey, Nerasia, Perry, Lu-Tsin Jart, Pious Kwaird, Malgumnum Grinitoropus, Kelicaragu. George The first adventure at College Road, possibly. It might have been a treasure map, as there were several that needed to be done. It was a quick affair.
0402 The Enterprise of Divine Perplexity Part 2 - Nerasia's Land Clearance Dan 7 Corbrey, Nerasia, Perry, Lu-Tsin Jart, Pious Kwaird, Malgumnum Grinitoropus, Kelicaragu. George Nerasia had decided she fancied building a temple and needed to make sure that the surrounding area was free of nasty monsters and safe for any new potential worshippers of her deity.
0403 Ferrius's Land Clearance Dan 7 Ferrius, Huru, Sarnin, Bo Vezzo, Slattery, Karus, Gertrude. George Following on from Nerasia's land clearance, Ferrius also needed to do such a thing in the vicinity of Three Bridges, the small town where his castle was built. He took with him a few old friends with whom he had previously adventured and who had not gained as many levels as he had over recent times.
0404 14.4.1258 21.4.1258 Raniel's Temple Dan 7 Raniel the All-Told, Iarvaric, Irth, Mundai, Nallow, Barstead, Strada. George Raniel was building a new temple to Ukko in Seiga and needed to clear the land of monsters around the town.
0405 The Chemical Factory Dan 9 Wasa, Stagl Abadag, Astrid, Druskin, Sleeth, Nyren Teldork, Thlaili, Torqus, Zargfrebe. George Wasa had for a long time wanted to set up a place that could act as a headquarters for a thieves' guild as well as containing a laboratory and potion and poison making facilities. He eventually discovered such a place, located in a forest, far from any town, and took some friends to take the place over, ridding the world of several nasties at the same time. Wasa killed the Chemical Brothers.
0406 Snayshe's Stunning Surprises: A & C Dan 10 Wasa, Stagl Abadag, Astrid, Druskin, Sleeth, Nyren Teldork, Thlaili, Torqus, Zargfrebe, Jinjeet. George On the way home from The Chemical Factory, the party came upon Snayshe. He gave the party a book that enabled them to be able to summon creatures in a magical holodeck type environment in Snayshe's place. They defeated every monster in the Monster Manual in the A and C sections.
0407 Decks, Merging and Wishes Dan 10 Bakra Son of Baric of Sarath of The Qwarm, Balron-Ti of Tugalia, Caspian, Kronosia, Myrth of the Stray, Nerasia, Perry, Placebo, Radnor, Spazzmotz the Bold. George The party had used a Deck of Many Things after a brief adventure and one of them owned a Font of Merging. Several members of the party decided to merge pieces of equipment and there were consequences to deal with.
0408 Black Blood Castle Dan 8 Bakra Son of Baric of Sarath of The Qwarm, Balron-Ti of Tugalia, Malgumnum Grinitoropus, Higlicula, Kelicaragu, Orlandon, Praggler the Wizanoid, Radnor. George A number of characters had gained a small keep from various Decks of Many Things and wanted to go about finding them and establishing them as homes and bases. Black Blood Castle was Bakra's small keep.
0409 The Castle of Persistant Wind Dan 11 Bakra Son of Baric of Sarath of The Qwarm, Balron-Ti of Tugalia, Gnik, Malgumnum Grinitoropus, Higlicula, Kelicaragu, Orlandon, Slayshee, Praggler the Wizanoid, Graxxphraphe, Radnor. George A number of characters had gained a small keep from various Decks of Many Things and wanted to go about finding them and establishing them as homes and bases. The Castle of Persistant Wind was Radnor's small keep. A pair of F4s had also been found, who were in service to a couple of the characters - Slayshee to Orlandon, and and Graxxphraphe to Praggler.
0410 The Castle of Destiny Dan 7 Bakra Son of Baric of Sarath of The Qwarm, Balron-Ti of Tugalia, Malgumnum Grinitoropus, Kelicaragu, Orlandon, Slayshee, Praggler the Wizanoid. George A number of characters had gained a small keep from various Decks of Many Things and wanted to go about finding them and establishing them as homes and bases. The Castle of Destiny, near Sarath, was Balron's small keep.
0411 The Assassination of Banaavik Rinikulikrilic and Ristilla Dan 1 Blai Bonesnapper. George Blai needed to assassinate a couple of people who had run afoul of his assassins' guild in Tieli.
0412 The Assassination of Flemshoth Dan 1 Blai Bonesnapper. George Blai needed to assassinate another person who had run afoul of his assassins' guild in Tieli.
0413 Death of a Pit Fiend Dan 1 Bolarb. George Somehow a pit fiend had started reeking havoc in the area south of Tibesti. When Bolarb heard about his, he went to slay the foul demon. It didn't take long.
0414 Cloud Related Treasure with Services Dan 6 Bronbus, Caspian, Kronosia, Moola, Placebo, Spijwang. George This was a treasure map, possibly involving cloud giants, and possibly the acquisition of some F4s from a Deck of Many Things. Although more research is needed to be certain.


# Start Date Finish Date Event DM No. of Chrs Characters Players Notes
0501 Glistening Fantasy Castle Dan 6 Bronbus, Caspian, Kronosia, Moola, Placebo, Spijwang. George This was Kronosia's small keep from a Deck of Many Things and is located near Taur Geldor.
0502 Castle of the Rising Sun Dan 6 Bronbus, Caspian, Kronosia, Moola, Placebo, Spijwang, , Fu, Jawtzawfayre. George, Martin. This was Caspian's small keep from a Deck of Many Things. Hû, Fu, and Jawtzawfayre had just completed the Legacy of Ukneasnidn.
0503 The Green Dragons of Sapchus and Hyptito Dan 1 Bronbus. George. Although Bronbus was able to defeat one of these two deadly scaly ne'er-do-wells, the other left Bronbus for dead and ate his poor faithful dog.
0504 Arion's Land Clearance Dan 1 Arion Tanarl. George. Arion needed to clear the land of nasty monsters around his temple, Terseus.
0505 05.09.1257 The Psionic Fortress Dan 4 Moola, Caspian, Kronosia, Placebo. George. This was another small keep gained from a Deck of Many Things, this time belonging to Moola.
0506 The Castle of Hidden Gatherings Dan 5 Corbrey, Lu-Tsin Jart, Pious Kwaird, Perry, Tarn. George. This was yet another small keep gained from a Deck of Many Things, this time belonging to Perry.
0507 The Destruction of the Shadow Lanthorn Part 1 Dan 4 Caspian, Kronosia, Placebo, Radnor. George. Kronosia had unfortunately acquired a cursed item and needed to learn how to rid herself of it.
0508 The Destruction of the Shadow Lanthorn Part 2 Dan 8 Caspian, Kronosia, Placebo, Radnor, Kelicaragu, Ximima, Moola, Tarn. George. Kronosia had unfortunately acquired a cursed item and needed to embark upon a tricky quest with some friends to rid herself of it. She succeeded.
0509 Calling for Insanity Dan 6 Corbrey, Lu-Tsin Jart, Myrth of the Stray, Nerasia, Perry, Spazzmotz the Bold. George. Somebody in the party may have had mental issues issues to grapple with. More research needed!
0510 Hall of the Fire Giant King (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Against_the_Giants) Martin 11 Ferrius, Hinni, Nallow, Irth, Iarvaric, Mundai, Raniel the All-Told, Barstead, Strada, Bolarb, Moth. George. This was the classic Gary Gygax adventure G3, and the end of very long-running saga that began in 1985. The final installment of Against the Giants began simply enough, with Ferrius opening a bank account in Tieli and replying rather pompously "Land owner," when asked his occupation. There was also a short boat journey and one of the sailors was very shocked when Hinni told him that his master was dead, as a prank. Eventually the adventure proper got underway. As the party were still under contract to complete the adventure yet a little overpowered to do so, Martin upgraded some of the monsters as the giants, after all, had 'help' from the drow. All of the hell hounds, for example, had been transformed into ancient fire breathing red dragons polymorphed into weird scarlet poodles. The party had some help from the exiled drow Moth. After a couple of rather large battles, Nallow persuaded the cook with the help of a Potion of Delusion that he ought to be the leader of the fire giants, not King Snurre. Suddenly there was a gleam of ambition in the cook's eyes and he went to the bottom level to confront the King and challenge him for leadership. The party followed. A massive conflict took place between various giants, drow and poodles and once several of them had eliminated each other the party stepped it. The end came when Iarvaric beheaded the Ehp'ss in combat. Her head spun upwards into the air and Iarvaric caught it by the hair as it fell back to the ground. Finally the menace of the giants and Eclavdra was ended and the party no longer needed to fear execution!
0511 The Duel between Nallow and Terrafarlow. George, Dan 2 Nallow, Terrafarlow. George, Dan Terrafarlow had gained a level and needed to duel the current 12th level druid with the lowest amount of XP in his sect. This happened to be Nallow. Unfortunately for Terrafarlow, and fortunately for Nallow, it would appear that Nallow won and retained his 12th level. Poor Terrafarlow lost over 300K XP and returned to the start of being a D11. He went adventuring again to gain his lost xp.
0512 The Cook's Welcoming Party Martin 5 Barstead, Blurg, Sohrab, Rustum, Raniel the All-Told. George Some time previously, Barstead had disrepected a temple of Gruumpsh, making it look like some kind of fancy gay ice cream parlour. In retaliation, Gruumpsh had cursed Barstead to be constantly hard apart from when he was within 10' of a female, whereupon he would be flacid. Naturally this didn't please him too much, nor his wife, Blurg. To remove this curse he had to defeat a dozen fire giants single handed and eat their hearts. He had already defeated three and consumed their hearts before this particular escapade. As it happened, Barstead needed to clear the land of nasty monsters around his castle. He took his wife, his two half-brothers and his old friend Raniel and they did the dead. Unknown to Barstead and his band, the cook from the Hall of the Fire Giant King had escaped the slaughter and was out for vengeance for the destruction of his clan. No fewer than 100 fire giants strong, they were marching on Barstead's estate! The two groups met near the River Yadu, and a mighty slaughter took place. Barstead killed plenty more than the nine he needed to remove the curse and spent the next couple of weeks eating their hearts, which became rather tiresome after a few days. Eventually the curse was lifted and as a result his manhood became immune to normal fire when hard. Blurg was delighted.


# Start Date Finish Date Event DM No. of Chrs Characters Players Notes
0601 The Room of Many Worlds Dan 5 Hallerith, Restel, Arion Tanarl, Melitta Seret, Daglin. George No clear memory of this! More research needed.
0602 Rustum's Treasure Map Dan 10 Rustum, Esinrah, Ferrius, Hallerith, Hinni, Iarvaric, Sohrab, Blurg, Tallon, Barstead, Salandel. George Rustum was perfectly happy to share the spoils of his treasure map with a few of his friends.
0603 Gold Dragons Dan 1 Higlicula. George A nest of gold dragons seemed like a good place to loot some treasure.
0604 Nerasia's Treasure Map Dan 1 Nerasia, Higlicula, Myrth of the Stray, Spazzmotz the Bold. George Nerasia was in need of funds due to her new temple being built. Fortunately she had found a treasure map during the course of her adventures and with a little help was able to boost her depleted coffers.
0605 The Assassination of Elnde Dan 1 Higlicula. George It was time for Elnde to retire, permanently. An assassin's guild mission?
0606 Assault on the Sun Temple Dan 8 Astrid, Druskin, Higlicula, Myrth of the Stray, Sleeth, Spazzmotz the Bold, Thlaili, Zargfrebe. George No clear memory of this! More research needed!
0607 The Rescue of Relaqueck Dan 2 Higlicula, Fazzlefaff. George No clear memory of this! More research needed! Fazzlefaff was an NPC. A job from the assassin's guild?
0608 Duel with Elric, Destruction of Stormbringer Dan 2 Suliman, Elric, Donblas the Justice Maker, Arioch. George, Martin. This happened just after The Ascension of Justarius and was entirely Martin's idea. It seemed like it might be fun, so Dan DM'd the proceedings to retain an element of impartiality. Martin played the roles of the two gods and Elric. Suliman had been killed many real-world years before, perhaps in 1986, when several characters managed to find and operate a nuclear missile bunker and somehow managed to score a bullseye on Suliman's temple, Dragonfall. This bizarre adventure was DM'd by Andreas and played by Cliff and Graham. Cliff was worried that Suliman was becoming more powerful than Castrol and the spells Suliman had researched to protect himself from Castrol's passive-agressive hostility were too effective. Graham was annoyed that Suliman had raised one of his characters from the dead and then converted him to his alignment and to worship Suliman's deity, Donblas. Wishes were used after the nuclear strike to minimise the effects of nuclear fallout and radiation, so that no damage to the world occured. It was all very queer. And so it was, some 20 real-world years later, that Donblas and Arioch wanted to settle a dispute and each nominated a champion. The two champions would fight and whoever won would be granted their physical form back and could return to the world once more. Arioch chose Elric and Donblas chose Suliman. The fight was over in one or two rounds, Suliman winning easily. True to the word of the two gods, Suliman would be allowed to return to the world. But he had to choose between losing half of his XP or losing all of his items. He choose to lose his items and keep his XP. Elric's sword, Stormbringer was also destroyed by the gods. Suliman was returned to the world by Donblas, at the bottom of Dragonfall Crater, where his temple had once stood, naked and with no possessions. He surveyed the wreckage and made his way to Tibesti to find some clothes.
0609 04.11.1257 10.11.1257 The Lunar Palace Dan 13 Praggler the Wizanoid, Graxxphraphe, Bronbus, Snorb, Orlandon, Slayshee, , Spijwang, Shivaxt, Fach, Balron-Ti of Tugalia, Thorok, Bastallion. George, Martin Orlandon had gained a small keep from a Deck of Many Things. This turned out to be The Lunar Palace, located somewhere near Harrack and Byesn. He took some friends and their followers, who were F4 when they first appeared, and staked his claim by sword and by spell.
0610 01.12.1257 02.12.1257 Asylum of the Warlocks Part 1 Dan 10 Praggler the Wizanoid, Graxxphraphe, Moola, Orlandon, Slayshee, Placebo, Spijwang, Kronosia, Caspian, Ximima. George This was the introduction to a large adventure in a tower and dungeon north of Ancona. Ximima led the party there and was able to impart knowledge as to some of its peculiarities. Once the party had achieved their initial goal, they went to look for reinforcements.
0611 25.12.1257 25.12.1257 The Enterprise of Divine Perplexity (Part 1) Dan 7 Corbrey, Lu-Tsin Jart, Perry, Pious Kwaird, Nerasia, Kelicaragu, Malgumnum Grinitoropus. George Nerasia was almost ready to build her temple to Itzamna. But where to build it? More research needed!
0612 25.12.1257 The Enterprise of Divine Perplexity (Part 2): Nerasia's Land Clearance Dan 7 Corbrey, Lu-Tsin Jart, Perry, Pious Kwaird, Nerasia, Kelicaragu, Malgumnum Grinitoropus. George Nerasia needed to clear the area around where she was intending to build her temple.
0613 23.04.1258 24.04.1258 The Nine Wishes of Oiojee-Gumy Martin 7 Arion Tanarl, Restel, Osswestry, Abnara, Lutch, Modus, Zrehnc. George This adventure started when the party met Restel's father, who told everyone an exciting story about an encounter with a tiger. Then he had an accident with his trousers and Restel had to help him back to his rooom at the inn. Zrehnc was a high level druid who wanted to see how Restel was progressing with the druidic part of his bardiness. Zrehnc also knew Oiojee-Gumy, who needed some help with demons in the lower planes. The party agreed to help and they managed to complete the tasks on a layer of the abyss to fulfill one of Oiojee-Gumy's wishes. However, it was challenging and dangerous and the party decided that they would not be returning to the lower planes of the abyss to help Oiojee-Gumy any further.
0614 10.02.1258 02.04.1258 Chasing Rainbows Martin, Dan 12 Sarnin, Slurb, Tesla, Gertrude, Bo Vezzo, Myrth of the Stray, Slattery, Karus, Huru, Spazzmotz the Bold, Senn, Mon-Kal-Teht. George, Martin No clear memory of this, other than it was a treasure map that belonged to Huru. Martin started DMing it and Dan took over. More research needed.
0615 05.12.1257 Asylum of the Warlocks Part 2 Dan 15 Ximima, Praggler the Wizanoid, Graxxphraphe, Moola, Orlandon, Slayshee, Placebo, Spijwang, Kronosia, Caspian, Tarn, Balron-Ti of Tugalia, Thorok, Shivaxt, Fach. George Having found a few reinforcements and their followers, and with the party now up to 15, they were ready to tackle the next part of the Asylum.


# Start Date Finish Date Event DM No. of Chrs Characters Players Notes
0701 26.01.1258 26.01.1258 The Castle of Mithril Dan 12 Stagl Abadag, Astrid, Bakra Son of Baric of Sarath of The Qwarm, Druskin, Gnik, Jinjeet, Sleeth, Torqus, Thlaili, Nyren Teldork, Wasa, Zargfrebe. George Torqus had gained a small keep from a Deck of Many Things and took a friends with him to help claim it.
0702 29.04.1258 The Asylum of the Warlocks Part 3 Dan 15 Ximima, Praggler the Wizanoid, Graxxphraphe, Moola, Orlandon, Slayshee, Placebo, Spijwang, Kronosia, Caspian, Tarn, Balron-Ti of Tugalia, Thorok, Shivaxt, Fach. George The party's third attempt at defeating the Asylum.
0703 22.04.1258 28.04.1258 Crystal Lakes of the Lunar Warlords Dan 9 Daglin, Gimley, Poluki, Torqus, Thlaili, Zargfrebe, Galzai of Larsha, Ackmead, Cawsrath. George Several characters of rather dubious persuasion had decided they wished to go adventuring to gain power, wealth and notoriety. These characters formed into three groups and each decided to undertake a related quest. These quests formed The Conquest of Evil and Crystal Lakes of the Lunar Warlords was the first part of these. All three parties set off together and the three adventures were located in the same area.


# Start Date Finish Date Event DM No. of Chrs Characters Players Notes
0801 30.04.1259 The Asylum of the Warlocks Part 4 Dan 11 Ximima, Moola, Placebo, Caspian, Kronosia, Restel, Arion Tanarl, Abnara, Lutch, Slayshee, Fehren. George During the fourth attempt at the Asylum, every member of the party was separated and needed to perform a series of challenges alone. Abnara finished hers...
0802 14.03.1258 05.04.1258 Shadow Capture Dan 10 Perry, Wu Li, Corbrey, Lu-Tsin Jart, Kelicaragu, Malgumnum Grinitoropus, Bronbus, Snorb, Pious Kwaird, Nerasia. George No clear memory of this, more research needed.


# Start Date Finish Date Event DM No. of Chrs Characters Players Notes
0901 16.12.1258 24.12.1258 The Stances of Hyptito Dan 4 Bronbus, Snorb, Sappchus, Hyptito. George After a previous rather deadly encounter with the green dragons belonging to Sappchus and Hyptito, Bronbus was obliged to embark on a quest for each of them. The Stances of Hyptito involved learning various monk-like combat stances to perform associated combat manoevres, such as the Slap of the Haddock, which involved swimming in the dangerous waters of the estuary of the River Ascalon.
0902 26.08.1258 21.09.1258 Amputations and Garden Ornaments Dan 10 Ferrius, Hinni, Hallerith, Barstead, Rustum, Sohrab, Blurg, Tallon, Iarvaric, Ubhooli. George This was almost certainly a land clearance in the area around Three Bridges. Ferrius owns a castle in the town centre. Iarvaric lives at the edge of town too sometimes. When this adventure began, Iarvaric took one of his followers, Ubhooli, along for some experience. During their adventures Ubhooli lost a leg, which was regrown, and was then killed, and raised from the dead. Additionally there may have been an incident involving gnomes, or being turned to stone by dangerous foes, or both. With all the nasty creatures in the area defeated, the town was able to relax once more.


# Start Date Finish Date Event DM No. of Chrs Characters Players Notes
1001 Sapchus's Quest Dan 12 Bronbus, Snorb, Sappchus, Hyptito, Pious Kwaird, Nerasia, Lu-Tsin Jart, Corbrey, Kelicaragu, Malgumnum Grinitoropus, Perry, Wu Li. George Hyptito's part may have been finished but this has not been properly started... yet.
1002 The Conquest of Evil Dan 10 Condo, Felquis Slywils, Slellal Carlellon, Blai Bonesnapper, Nugmil, Fedax Si-Hulmin, Druskin, Gnik, Jinjeet, Sleeth, Nyren Teldork, Wasa, Astrid, Stagl Abadag, Bakra Son of Baric of Sarath of The Qwarm. George This has not been properly started yet, although both parties for the two remaining adventures are in position and frozen in time, ready to begin. The third party in this series of adventures already completed an adventure called Crystal Lakes of the Lunar Warlords.


# Start Date Finish Date Event DM No. of Chrs Characters Players Notes
2201 01.04.1259 01.04.1259 The Glimmerfinger Trials George 6 Saghla, Gleeg, Burble, Drooper, Fizzleplop, Captain Snork. Tessa This was Tessa's first taste of D&D and she loved it. It was quite a short adventure to enable her to get used to some of the basic mechanics of the game. It was played on 27th December 2022.
2202 09.04.1259 10.04.1259 The Outcast's Redemption George 4 Saghla, Gleeg, Drogan Blackwood, Kooxiel. Tessa When Saghla and Gleeg were travelling to Deraheib, they met up with the redoubtable Drogan and the exceedingly peculiar Kooxiel, and had a few encounters along the way.


# Start Date Finish Date Event DM No. of Chrs Characters Players Notes
2301 01.04.1259 02.04.1259 The Captain and the Squid George 3 Cay of the West, Antonio, Captain Brownbeard, the crew of Captain Brownbeard's ship. Tessa Antonio had been wounded in a sea battle against a giant squid and needed help for his crew. He found a willing helper in Cay, who helped the crew find and defeat the terrible sea monster that had been posing a danger to shipping. Another simple adventure to help Tessa learn the mechanics of a cleric.
2302 01.04.1259 04.04.1259 Mr Plock's Roof George 2 Quiney, Mr Plock. Tessa Mr Plock lives next door to Quiney and her chicken farm and wanted to investigate some strangeness on the roof of his house. Quiney was all too pleased to help and prevented her chickens being stolen by a wild dog at the same time. A very simple adventure to help Tessa learn a little about magic users, and chicken farming.
2303 01.04.1259 02.04.1259 Rescue Kiki's Didn from Tommy George 1 Thimpashinash. Tessa Thimpashinash found the daughter of one of his neighbours in a state of distress and upon enquiry learned that the local bully amongst the children in the neighbourhood, Tommy, had stolen her favourite didn. Thimpashinash broke into Tommy's house, sneaked into his bedroom and stole the didn back for Kiki, who was delighted. This was Tessa's first rogue experience.
2304 10.04.1259 10.04.1259 The Crimson Raiders Steal Some Hats George 3 Thimpashinash, Cay of the West, Quiney. Tessa To consolidate Tessa's experience of thieves, magic users and clerics, this was a quick adventure that introduced a villanous organisation, The Crimson Raiders, and allowed mother (Quiney) and daughter (Cay) to meet Thimpashinash.
2305 01.04.1259 03.04.1259 The Blacksmith and the Bandits George 3 Shmadimaa, Voldar Steelheart, Spafflethweep. Tessa Now Tessa started another fighter character, who met two NPCs - Voldar, the village blacksmith, and Spafflethweep, a rather odd gnome buffoon who wore only purple and even died his hair purple to match. Shmadimaa is also a blacksmith, and Voldar's apprentice. When Spafflethweep arrived at the smithy to collect an unusual metal orb that Voldar had been specially polishing for him, some bandits attacked. They wanted the orb for themselves. Shmadimaa decided to go with Spafflethweep to Deraheib and try his hand at adventuring.
2306 01.04.1259 01.04.1259 Wretched Elf Mischief George 3 Cathina, Brobnog, Plubnierg. Tessa Some elves from Taur Geldor had come to The Qwarm and were causing mischief. Cathina took it upon herself to sort it out and rescue her friends at the same time.
2307 04.04.1259 10.04.1259 Seeking the Egg Man George 3 Cathina, Yintoth, Zengra. Tessa Cathina set off towards Deraheib in search of adventure and soon met her friend Yintoth. They travelled together and had various adventures, and when an encounter went a bit wrong they were rescued by Zengra, who revived them both at his home in the forest. He had been told to seek The Egg Man by his sensei in Kol'Ibur, so once everybody was ready to leave, they set off in Zengra's donkey cart.
2308 10.04.1259 11.04.1259 The Kidnappings in Ikkur George 12 Saghla, Gleeg, Drogan Blackwood, Kooxiel, Thimpashinash, Cay of the West, Quiney, Shmadimaa, Spafflethweep, Cathina, Yintoth, Zengra. Tessa All the party were assembled at Zarakhan's tower and he told them that before he gave them a mission he needed them all to accomplish, the rumour that some of the party had heard regarding missing children was more urgent and the party should all return to Ikkur to investigate. That was exactly what they did and what an adventure it turned out to be.
2309 The House on Hangman's Hill (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_on_Hangman%27s_Hill) George 9 Palladon, Thyranasos, Furaga, Juniper, Theyless, Ottyuttyoo, Ugly, Cedric, Glorietta. Tessa, Dan, Kim. The splendid Judges' Guild adventure. Still ongoing. Creaky floors and cobwebs.
2310 22.05.59 26.05.59 Errand for the Temple of Itzamna George 3 Cay of the West, Itzel Ramirez, Tlaloc Martinez. Tessa In order to complete her training, Cay needed to escort two newly ordained acolytes of her deity to a temple in another town, where they would be based.
2311 13.04.59 14.04.59 Return to The Qwarm George 2 Cathina, Yintoth. Tessa The return journey was somewhat quicker than when they left The Qwarm for Deraheib, although they had a difficult encounter with a bulette and managed to prevail, and told the treant they had encountered two weeks before of their adventures.
2312 16.04.59 17.04.59 Introduction to The Lightfingers George 1+ Thimpashinash, various members of The Lightfingers. Tessa Thimpashinash's success in The Kidnappings in Ikkur had enhanced his reputation and one of Deraheib's thieves' guilds, The Lightfingers, offered him a position in their ranks... provided he successfully complete a 'job' for them. Just when it looked like he was going to complete the mission, he deliberately allowed himself to be captured, and just when it looked as if he had no hope, he managed to escape and do everything else he needed to do with some style. Thimpashinash was duly accepted into the ranks of The Lightfingers thieves' guild and was able to complete the training up to his new level.
2313 14.04.59 20.04.59 Quiney and the Gryphons George 1 Quiney. Tessa Before Quiney could train to her new level, she was sent by her training wizard for a few days to observe and make careful notes concerning the nesting behaviour of a pair of gryphons and their eggs. After returning she was fully trained up to her new level.
2314 14.04.59 Shmadimaa's Bandits George 13 Sizzleplup, Jigg, Quikatanique, Malthos, Gegelm, Ilyka, Galinka, Ona, Jalaha, Zimbi, Feegly, Boo, Shmadimaa. Tessa Shmadimaa unexpectedly surrendered to some gnolls who stole everything he had gained from The Kidnappings in Ikkur from him. After he was rescued and made it back home, he needed to come up with a plan. His prayers resulted in the creation of some new characters, who would gather together to help him recover his equipment, as well as dealing with a bandit problem that was plaguing the area. This adventure is very much based upon the Bandit Camp in Baldur's Gate (https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/Bandit_Camp). Still ongoing. Zimbi and Jalaha did not take part in the main part of the story.
2315 25.04.59 The Shrine of Žužu George 3 Animataa, Lilly, Starzio. Tessa This was the very first part of the adventure leading to The Fosweld Somnolence. It was generated from Donjon.com and modified on the fly, and turned out to be surprisingly fun. It took about four or five sessions to comeplte the adventure. Full details of what actually happened can be seen at the Pre-Fosweld page in the 'events' section.


# Start Date Finish Date Event DM No. of Chrs Characters Players Notes
2401 To Tibesti, then the Nest George 6 Tikarada, Retty, Tunaxicon, Pinimpy, Xymiton, Razadar. Tessa This was a gathering of various characters who travelled from their home to meet up as part of the Pre-Fosweld adventure. Eventually everybody met up in Tibesti. When they had left the city and were travelling along the road, all six were scooped up by a pair rocs and flown far away th the nest to begin The Eye of the Serpent (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_of_the_Serpent), along with four more NPCs already in the nest.
2402 More Mushrooms, Priest? George 2 Zharzhar, Spoglifromp. Tessa A priest had fallen ill and Zharzhar was tasked with finding a special ingredient for a cure. Spoglifromp was to travel with her, as he is something of a mushroom expert. They had to travel to some caverns where the mushrooms grew, and once they had a kilo of them they could be teleported back to where they were needed. The cavern was generated by Donjon.com and afterwards the two adventurers would meet up with some more of the Pre-Fosweld party.
2403 The Journey to Iusiautt George 6 Zimbi, Aixy, Zharzhar, Spoglifromp, Crimsy, Nuxi. Tessa Another Pre-Fosweld gathering of characters, who are listed in order of joining the group. When they reached Iusiautt they also joined up with The Shrine of Žužu party.
2404 The Eye of the Serpent (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_of_the_Serpent) George 10 Tikarada, Retty, Tunaxicon, Pinimpy, Xymiton, Razadar, Scobby, Catoink, Ovlov, Ollopso. Tessa The old TSR module, designed for a single player. This attempt has been slightly modified for a whole party and all routes have been left open so that the characters can decide exactly which way they want to go. Completing this Pre-Fosweld adventure will bring the characters very close to The Fosweld Somnolence. This is one half of the whole party that will perform that rather large and dangerous adventure.
2405 Garak's End George 9 Zimbi, Aixy, Zharzhar, Spoglifromp, Crimsy, Nuxi, Animataa, Lilly, Starzio. Tessa This is the other half of the Pre-Fosweld group, doing the first of two adventures by Matthew Carlson. This adventure takes place between Iusiautt and Nirsrenib, with the other adventure taking place between Nirsrenib and Shé-ek. After that the party will have a guide help them to make their journey across the great Barrier Peaks to The Fosweld Somnolence. Spoglifromp largely sat out of the adventure and remained outside, looking after the horses.
2406 Castle Amber (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_Amber_(module)) George 9 Saghla, Cay of the West, Quiney, Cathina, Thimpashinash, Shmadimaa, Spafflethweep, Drogan Blackwood, Kooxiel, Gleeg, Yintoth, Zengra. Tessa With Shmadimaa reunited with his old friends, the party went back to Zarakhan. He told them that there was a mystery that needed to be solved at Castle Amber, and doing so may prove lucrative for the party, some of whom were struggling to pay their training costs.
2407 The Inn of the Whispering Elm George 9 Zimbi, Aixy, Zharzhar, Spoglifromp, Crimsy, Nuxi, Animataa, Lilly, Starzio. Tessa This is of the Pre-Fosweld group, doing the second of two adventures by Matthew Carlson. This adventure takes place between Nirsrenib and Shé-ek. After the party reach Shé-ek, they will meet a guide who will help them to make their journey across the great Barrier Peaks to The Fosweld Somnolence. With luck they will meet the other party, doing The Eye of the Serpent, sometime around there.
2408 Slave Pits of the Undercity (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scourge_of_the_Slave_Lords) George 8 Phendetta, Sloth, Nortast Zelep, Plomp, Ilyka, Sizzleplup, Gegelm, Malthos. Dan, Tessa The classic TSR Module A1! In our campaign this adventure is set just across the border from Darfuria, in Eldaril, in a partly ruined chaotic coastal town called Ue'Oali, which in Eldrilese means "Highport".