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Tower of Mirkoth

From Darfuria
The original front page by Richard.

Tower of Mirkoth is an adventure for character levels 1 to 4. It was created by Richard in the early 1980s. This transcript has been copied almost verbatim from Richard's handwrittem notes.

This is a very simple dungeon that can easily fit into any campaign with a little modification and DM creativity. Many descriptions are left vague for the DM to interpret and fill in the details.

If you should play this adventure, please let us know how it went! if you send us details of the characters who took part, we shall gladly enter them into the Hall of Fame as well.

Background of the Tower (DM only)

A party of adventurers from the northlands were been exiled from their homeland and have been to the east, seeking excitement and riches. Tired of their travelling they journeyed south where they decided to try to live in secret. They built a reasonably sized underground stronghold with its entrance concealed in a small tower. This tower serves as home to a level 2 thief from the nearby town. He is allowed to stay in the tower as long as he acts as a mediary, fetching supplies from the nearby town for the party dwelling below.

The party lived there for many years, mounting expeditions to nearby lands and taking their treasure back there. However, very recently, two bulettes burrowed into the stronghold, killing all but one who fled, and the thief in the tower.

DM Notes

1. All walls in the dungeon are hard earth covered with thin stone slabs except the underground passages where walls are just hard earth and rocks. The same is true for the floors.

2. All monsters are from the Monster Manual or Fiend Folio.

3. All rooms numbered with large 3s are the same in dimensions and furnishings. The same applies for rooms with large 2s.

4. Unless stated otherwise, all doors are unlicked.

Rumours Gathered by Party in Local Tavern

1. Some say they have heard of a tower lying about a mile from the town. Previous adventurers have either come back disappointed, saying it was only the home of a thief, or else have never been seen since.

2. A few months ago a strange band of northerners were seen scouring the area, apparently looking for exiles from their own land.

3. One old man says "There is more to the Tower of Mirkth than meets the eye!", but will say no more.

Description of the Tower

The door to the tower itself is locked. It is circular, standing around 40 feet tall and has a circumference of about 16 feet. Inside it has a circumference of around 12 feet and the walls are constructed of 2' thick blocks of stone. Inside there is a spiral staircase that leads both up and down. Up leads to the bedchamber of the thief, who will run away and jump from the battlements if challenged. From the thief's bedchamber is a ladder up to the ramparts. Going down the spiral stairs leads to a small underground room containing a 3' square stone slab with two iron rings, obviously a trapdoor. This leads to room 1.

Room List

IMPORTANT! All rooms on the map that are coloured RED are OPTIONAL rooms that the DM may choose to include, or not.

1. A circular room six feet in radius. There are four doors - north, south, east and west. In the room are three hobgoblins. There is also a secret trapdoor in the floor which a character has a 60% chance of finding. The trapdoor and the four doors are all unlocked. The trapdoor leads down to room 9 via a ladder below.

2. All the rooms numbered 2 are identically furnished and are of the same size. There is a bunk along one wall, a small chest in one corner and a washstand in another.

  • 2.1 - Contains a troglodyte (MM). If it is not killed within 4 melee rounds another troglodyte will come from room 3.1 to assist unless it is already dead. In the chest (locked) are 30 gp and a jar of petroleum jelly.
  • 2.2 - Contains a giant rat (MM). In the chest there are 10 gp. Also there is a false bottom in the washstand (40% chance to be found by a character) containing a gem (10-100 gp) and a phial of holy water.
  • 2.3 - The door to this room is locked. Contains no monsters and has no treasure, except for a torn piece of paper on the floor with "Turn to the one with the limp but do not take his advice" written on it in the common tongue.
  • 2.4 - All of the furniture in the room is overturned and there is a large hole in the floor such as a large burrowing animal might make. Strewn among the wreckage are three gems worth 20 - 50 gp each.
  • 2.5 - The door to this room is locked. All the furniture in this room is overturned and there is a large hole in the floor, much like room 2.4. There are the remains of a human on the floor and rummaging through the room are three kobolds (MM). Among the wreckage are 32 gp and on the remains of the human are two gems (1 - 10 gp each), 13 gp, a dagger and three silver tipped arrows.
  • 2.6 - There is green slime (MM) above the door that will fall onto the first characters that pass through it. The chest is empty. The bedspread hangs as if weights have been sewn into the hem. The weights are 300 - 500 gp in coins.
  • 2.7 - There are four goblins (MM) in the room. In the locked chest are a mace, a silver holy symbol and 11 - 20 gp. There is a loose stone in one wall (80% chance for a character to find) and inside in a locked wooden box containing 10 phials of Potion of Healing.
  • 2.8 - No monsters. The chest is not locked and contains a 50' coil of rope and two flasks of oil. The door on the south wall is locked.

3. All rooms marked with a 3 are identically furnished and the same dimensions. In the centre of each room is a table with four chairs and a large armchair in one corner.

  • 3.1 - Contains a troglodyte (MM). If it is not killed within four melee rounds, another will come from room 2.1 to assist unless it is already dead. On the table is a silver candlestick (20 - 50 gp). Attached to a wall is a matt black shortsword with runes engraved into the blade. This is a cursed +3 shortsword that will cause the wielder half of the damage done to the foe.
  • 3.2 - This room is a mess and the smell is appalling. All furniture has been smashed, slabs of stone have fallen from the ceiling and walls and lie broken on the floor. There is a large hole in the floor, much as room 2.4. In the room lie the dead bodies of three humans and an elf. A dead bulette (MM) also lies on the floor. Eating the remains of the elf are four giant rats (MM). Among the rubble and bodies are 500 gp, five gems (10 - 30 gp each), a longbow, two longswords, a crossbow, 26 arrows and 14 bolts, a battleaxe and a Ring of Invisibility.
  • 3.3 - All the furniture here is overturned. There is another large hole in the floor. There are some broken arrows and a broken sword on the floor in a pool of dried blood.
The aadvarn, drawn by Richard. Possibly related to the purple aardvark.
  • 3.4 - Contains an Aardvarn (HD 2+2, AC 5, attacks: 2, dmg 1-8 (bite)/1-4 (tail). Beneath the chair is a loose slab of stone covering a cavity that contains a +1 mace and 45 gp.
  • 3.5 - Empty save for a jug on the table containing a strong alcoholic drink made from lizardmen's toes.
  • 3.6 - There are two bugbears (MM) in the room. There is a 3' high statue of a fighter holding a sword. Set into the hilt of the sword are three gems, each worth 40 - 60 gp.
  • 3.7 - All the furniture in this room is overturned. There is a large hole in the floor similar to the others. Near the edge of the hole is a severed hand wearing a ring worth 21 - 30 gp.
  • 3.8 - There are eight xvarts (FF) in this room arguing over a leather pouch that contains 131 gp and two gems, each worth 10 - 50 gp.The door on the north wall is locked.

4. A huge spider (MM) is waiting on the roof of the tunnel for any unwary traveller. There is a hole in the floor beneath the spider which is obviously its lair. In the hole is a backpack containing a mithril statuette of an elf (20 - 40 gp), a small leather pouch containing 73 gp and a flask of oil. Underneath the backpack is a +2 battleaxe and the rotting remains of some provisions.

5. This is an underground cavern with rock walls and an underground stream 4' 6" deep that runs through it, through holes in the rock walls to the north and south. The floor is sand. On the other side of the stream is a chest, locked and trapped with a poison needle. The chest contains 500 gp, 400 sp and 50 pp. Also there is a book of spells containing Charm Person, Sleep, Magic Missile and Fireball.When somebody attempts to cross the stream, two lizardmen (MM) will rise from the water and engage in combat. If they are not killed within six melee rounds, another two will rise out of the water, coming through the hole in the north wall.

6. A large ornately furnished room, with a large luxurious sofa in the south east corner. There is a large table in the room with eight chairs around it. A large hole such as the others is in the floor. In the west and east walls are two alcoves enclosing two seven high suits of armour carrying double handed swords. On the table is a gold candlestick studded with gems (401 - 500 gp).On the south wall is a large tapestry (20' x 10'). The tapestry depicts a mighty battle and written on the top in the common tongue is "Behind beauty lies danger but when danger is overcome beauty will come again." If the taspestry is moved in any way the suits of armour will animate (HD 2+1, AC 3) and attack the intruders. Behind the tapestry lies a small alcove in which lies a locked and trapped chest containing 500 - 1000 gp.

7. There is a 30% chance of finding the seccret door. In the room is a hook horror (FF).

8. There are three cells on the west side. Cells a and c are empty but there is a dying human in b who will deliver information but will die before anything coherent is said. On the east side is a rack and various other pieces of torture equipment. There are five orcs (MM) in the room who know nothing of the bulette and who are a bit angry because they have nothing to torture.

9. The trapdoor opens down to a 10' square room. There is a ladder down from the trapdoor to room 1. There are four doors, one each on the north, south, east and west walls. In the room is a metal canister 3" in diameter and 6" long containing small black lumps (mouse droppings).

Note: There is a bulette (MM) in one of these rooms 10, 11, 12 or 13. It will hear when one of the doors is opened and go to that room by burrowing under the adjoining walls.

10. Contains a chest, unlocked, containing 800 - 1400 sp.

11. Contains a chest, locked, containing 500 - 1000 gp.

12. Contains a chest, locked, containing 250 - 450 pp.

13. Contains a chest, locked, containing a +1 Cloak of Protection, Wand of Magic Missiles (15 remaining), two Potions of Speed (3 doses in each phial), five Potions of Healing (2 doses in each), two Potions of Stone Giant Strength (2 doses in each), a +3 Warhammer with runes on the handle which returns to its owner when thrown.

Optional Additional Rooms (shown in RED)

A. The walls of this room are lined with empty shelves and cupboards with open doors. The floor is strewn with broken pots, pans, cutlery and various other broken cooking utensils. In here is a mad dog (HD 1+3, AC 6, attacks: 1 (bite), dmg 1-8 and save vs. poison or catch rabies (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabies). Strewn among the rubble is a pouch (20 gp) and a gem (1 - 50 gp).

B. In this room is a circular stone wall 2' high in which is a 30' deep pool. There is a stone ring on the side of the pool with a chain attached going into the water. In the room is a dakon (FF). On the end of the chain is a chest. If the chain is pulled upa fresh water sahuagin (MM) armed with a trident and dagger will swim up and attack the party. In the chest are 115 gp, a Potion of Flying (1 dose) and a small pouch containing three teeth. When a flask of unholy water is poured on the teeth, they willturn into three skeletons armed with shortsword and shield (HD 1+2, AC 5) that will fight for the raiser until their enemy is dead, then turn on the raiser.

C. Empty apart from a gnoll (MM). There is a loose slab in the floor beneath which is a Potion of Healing (1 dose) and a pouch containg 56 gp.

D. Contains a chest (clearly marked on the map). If the chest is disturbed in any way, arrows will fly from the points indicated (3 from each wall). In the chest are 60 gp.

E. There are five orcs (MM) in this room. Between them they have 45 gp.

F. In here is another hole in the floor, and an ankheg (MM). In the small room beyond the secret door is a chest containing 108 gp.

G. In this room is a black urchin (FF) armed with a +1 light crossbow. In the centre of the room is a gem with 1d100 gp.

H. Empty room.


The main map. Optional rooms are in RED. Note the positions of torches, mirrors and secret doors. Scale is 1 small square = 1 foot.

The lower level. Scale is 1 small square = 1 foot.

Hall of Fame

1. Completed in 1990 by Graham, Jim, Aaron and Nikki.

  • Graham - Tyrell (CN male dwarven F1/T1), Mau-Mau (NG female half elf F2/C3), Tao-Cheng (LN female human M3).
  • Jim - Zip Ruhn (LG male grey elf MU1), Nagrom Semja (LG male elven F1).
  • Aaron - Leeander (NG female human C1), Hashan (LN male human F1), Canton (LN male human MU1).
  • Nikki - Neomaldrin (CG female elven T1).

2. Having successfully completed the adventure Garak's End, a group of characters came here to attempt this. It was left not completed by Dan in around 2004, although some of the characters came back for another try later. Radantley was accidentally killed by Dillon and buried near O'Pruudth. Dillon was accidentally killed by Tanzock and Buttons was killed by a xvart, which was when the party left. Both Dillon and Buttons are buried in the Eitycuely cemetary.

Radantley (CN male human F1), Buttons (CN female half elf F1/C1), Dillon (CE male half elf F1/T1), Rimmel (CN male half elf T1), Tanzock (CN male half elf C1), Tex Malarca (CN male half orc F1), Nortast Zelep (CN male half elf F1/MU1), Wanto (CG male half elf MU1).

3. A second attempt by Dan and again not completed. Some of the characters later came back for another try. It would seem that both Tex and Kandelle were casualties of this adventure. Heigfof memorably scored a massive critical hit with his first ever hit, splitting the skull of his opponent in two, and thereafter being known to his friends (and enemies) as The Splitter.

Rimmel (CN male half elf T1), Tanzock (CN male half elf C1), Tex Malarca (CN male half orc F1), Nortast Zelep (CN male half elf F1/MU1), Wanto (CG male half elf MU1), Heigfof (TN male dwarven F1), Eshmooxierg (NG male human F1), Kandelle (CG female human R1), Laconia (NG female half elf R1/MU1), Assacius (CG male grey elf C1/T1), Sandestion (TN male half elf F1/D1).

4. A third attempt by Dan, again unsuccessful! It was around this time the party were nicknamed "The Quitters" by Felazdundum, a 223-year-old dwarf who retired from his adventuring career at the age of 222 having finally reached F2. He is a regular patron of the inn known as The Harvest Moon in Eitycuely.

Rimmel (CN male half elf T1), Tanzock (CN male half elf C1), Nortast Zelep (CN male half elf F1/MU1), Wanto (CG male half elf MU1), Heigfof (TN male dwarven F1), Eshmooxierg (NG male human F1), Laconia (NG female half elf R1/MU1), Assacius (CG male grey elf C1/T1), Sandestion (TN male half elf F1/D1), Azol Astrion (NG male half orc C1/T1), Snothmol (CN male half orc F1), Zawowski (TN male mountain dwarf F1/T1), Phendetta (CN female drow elf F1/C1/T1).

5. After a brief pause for a further adventure, The Giant Wasps, which were threatening some of the residents of Eitycuely, about half of the previous party journeyed north to do the Palace of the Silver Princess. Then came The Deady Hill Giant Race, with a few new faces helping against the assault of a band of giants on Eitycuely and preventing them from reaching the town. After that Dan's characters finally cracked the Tower of Mirkoth. Whew!

Laconia (NG female half elf R2/MU2), Zawowski (TN male mountain dwarf F2/T2), Wanto (CG male half elf MU3), Eshmooxierg (NG male human F3), Snothmol (CN male half orc F3), Assacius (CG male grey elf C2/T2), Sloth (CE male half orc A1), Kitana (CN female half elf Conj1), Cyrax (LG male human C1), Bomfreediflimp (LE male human M1), Crandampulamp (LG male human M1), Slambicuslomp (LN male human M1), Plomp (TN male half elf F1/C1), Sirus (NG male human R1).